Monday, June 20, 2016

Session 13

Having learned of the location of the werewolves' den from their captive, the Heroes travel there and inflitrate the caves. They slaughter all the evil beasts and rescue the imprisoned kids. Together with the kids, they also find a halfling woman, Ishiguro. She joins the party, and after a short rest they travel to Vallaki to reunite the kids with their parents.
On their way, they're almost trampled by a dark carriage without a driver making its way in the same direction. In Vallaki, they deliver the kids, earning the accolades of the townsfolk. The day after, the Heroes decide to meet with the burgomaster of Vallaki, to try and earn a new ally in their quest to defeat the dark lord Strahd.
They're received by the baron and his wife, who are busy with the preparations of the Festival of the Blazing Sun. The two nobles are gracious and welcoming, but the Heroes do not trust them fully.


  1. Don't forget about the curse! We were cursed by the Night Mother for stealing the treasures.

  2. Hehe... We were cursed for a grand total of 5 minutes of game time? Well, now it's in the comments, I can never forget it! Cheers!
