Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Session 5

The Heroes spend a night in the mill, then decide to go and pay a visit to the Vistani seer Madame Eva. When they arrive at Tser pool, they find the Vistani encampment, and meet with the old woman. Madame Eva uses her tarokka deck to give the Heroes important clues about their future in Barovia.
The day after, the Heroes return to the village of Barovia, where Anomander hopes to take possession of the house that claimed the life of his travelling companions upon their arrival. Together, the Heroes manage to kill all the undead still infesting the place, eventually arriving in a huge ritual room dominated by a pool of stagnant water.
A ghostly chorus fills the room with a grim litany "One must die... one must die...". Not willing to sacrifice one of their own, the Heroes decide to leave, but are stopped by a shambling mound summoned by the evil spirits occupying the chamber. The Heroes attack the fearsome creature, and cut it to pieces.
Believing the House is now free of evil, the Heroes leave the place; but when they close the entrance doors behind them, the House disappears, leaving behind no trace of its existence. It seems they'll need to find a tavern for the night...

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