Monday, June 27, 2016

Session 14

The baron is a gracious host, but it is clear that he has no intention to help the Heroes against Strahd; still, he also has no plans to hinder them. Understanding that they won't be able to sway him to their side, the Heroes decide to leave.
The day after, they travel to the Amber Temple, where Abdul hopes to find hidden knowledge. The temple is not what it used to be; barbarians devoted to Strahd occupy its rooms, and undead creatures roam the halls. The Heroes kill the savages, and set camp inside the Temple.
When they begin their exploration, they're attacked by floating flaming skulls guarding the access to the lower levels of the temple. Down in the catacombs, they find amber sarcophagi still containing the malevolent essence of dark spirits.
Marlow, Ishi, and Ander open the coffins, and make secret deals with the spirits within, earning a dark gift each. But what is the price to pay for these gifts?

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