Monday, June 13, 2016

Session 12

The Heroes leave the hut, and they spot a group of animated scarecrows coming their way; Thancred rapidly takes care of them with a well placed fireball. Witnessing the scene, the priest Abdul approaches, one more stranger lost in the mists. After a short introduction, he joins the party, hoping they'll help him in his quest to find the Amber Temple.

The Heroes travel to Vallaki; they remember the dusk elf Kasimir was receiving visions from his lost sister that concerned the Amber Temple. When they speak to him, he tells them how to reach the temple. 

Gathering supplies in Vallaki, the Hereos meet father Donavich, who informs them about one more trouble affecting the town. Several kids have been kidnapped, and he fears that the culprits are a pack of werewolves from the west. The Heroes offer to help, and after a night of rest they leave the town.

They arrive at lake Baratol, and spot a lonely tower. Outside of the tower, they see a Vistani wagon. When they investigate the wagon, they accidentally trigger an explosive trap, burning the wagon to smithereens. Miracolously, a leaf of parchment survives the explosion. The page recounts the story of a Rudolf Van Richten, a former monster hunter fallen to disgrace.

The Heroes turn their attention to the tower. The place is guarded by magical traps, but contains nothing of interest of value that they can discern. As they are leaving the tower, a pack of werewolves apporaches. They threaten the Heroes to force them to quit their quest, but the party is not easily intimidated. A fight begins, and the Heroes slaughter the monsters and their wolves, managing to capture one lycanthrope alive.

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