Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Session 4

The Heroes regroup at the church, where they hear news of a new stranger arrived in town, and staying at a local inn. When they go to meet him, they find a confused half-elf nobleman, Marlow Darkholme, also stranded in Barovia. They quickly form  an alliance, and begin to formulate a plan to retrieve the relics of st. Andral.
They kidnap the coffin-maker, Hendrik Van Der Voort, while he's visitng the church, and through intimidation and magic manage to glean from him the exact location of the relics, safely stored inside one of the crates containing vampires in his workshop. The Heroes visit the place again during the morning, this time with Marlow magically disguised as Henrik. With carefully placed lies, he manages to convince the vampires to give him the relics. As the Heroes leave, Ulfgar sets fire to the place, to make sure the vampires won't come after them later on.
Having secured the relics, the Heroes decide to seek Madame Eva, a vistani seer. On their way to her home, they visit the Old Bonegrinder, a mill located on the outskirts of Vallaki that Anomader owns the deed to. When they reach the mill, they find that it is inhabited by an old crone and her daughters. But heir ruse is soon uncovered, as the women turn into a coven of hags, making pastries out of the grinded bones of children! With blades and spells the Heroes face the witches and slaughter them.

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